Polish Cybersecurity Cluster #CyberMadeInPoland is thrilled to announce its participation in the Digital4Security project, a transformative initiative aimed at bolstering Europe’s cybersecurity defences by addressing the acute skills shortage in the field. This €20m industry-led Master’s is supported by funding from the DIGITAL Europe Programme. Digital4Security seeks to reshape the landscape of European cybersecurity through a comprehensive educational and training strategy.



Cultivating the Next Generation of Cybersecurity Experts

At the heart of Digital4Security is a mission to reskill and upskill a diverse group of participants, including recent graduates, professionals, managers, and business leaders. The project’s goal is to make them ‘cyber confident’—fully equipped with the skills needed to protect and enhance the digital security of European SMEs against global cyber threats.

A Curriculum Designed for Real-World Readiness

Digital4Security’s curriculum is built on a rigorous needs analysis involving all consortium partners, ensuring that the training provided meets the highest standards of both academic rigour and industry relevance. The program combines theoretical knowledge with practical, job-ready skills that are essential for immediate and effective application in the workforce.

Each module of the program will offer micro-credentials, providing participants with tangible proof of their competencies, along with industry certifications through partnerships with leading cybersecurity firms. This approach not only enhances the employability of graduates but also ensures that they are prepared to meet the specific needs of the industry head-on.


Addressing Europe’s Cybersecurity Challenges

With cyber threats growing in sophistication and frequency, European industries and public sector institutions face significant risks. Digital4Security directly addresses these challenges by preparing professionals who can understand and navigate the complexities of modern cybersecurity threats.


As part of our commitment to this initiative, as the Polish Cyber Security Cluster #CyberMadeInPoland, we will use our knowledge and resources to support the development and delivery of this important training programme.


Our contribution

The cluster, using its extensive network and expertise, is in a position to contribute to the ongoing project, particularly within the framework of work packages 2, 4 and 5. During the programme we will be involved in seeking opportunities to transfer subject knowledge both in classes and workshops and short courses. We will also promote the initiative to potential stakeholders in Poland



Join Us in Securing Europe’s Digital Future

To learn more about Digital4Security and how you can be part of this pioneering project, visit our project website digital4security.eu. Together, we can build a cyber-secure Europe that is ready to face the challenges of tomorrow.