APT Defend


Range of activities

APT Defend is an educational and training platform aimed at building awareness of cyber threats among employees of collaborating companies. The most effective and proven method of learning is through experience, so we operate by simulating hacker attacks on employees of collaborating organizations. We use various tools for this purpose, including email campaigns, SMS, USB drives, and twin Wi-Fi networks. In our activities, we focus strongly on current trends and the specific nature of the Polish market.


Ensure the security of your company

In 2020, hackers targeted over 64% of companies. The ongoing digitization and the shift of activities to the internet offer opportunities for rapid development but also bring many threats. Lack of knowledge and awareness makes a company an easy target for cybercriminals.

The danger is not only present for large international organizations but also for small and medium-sized enterprises, which are often less secure and easier to deceive.


Why APT Defend?

We have created a unique solution that supports the process of building awareness of cyber threats among employees.


APT Defend offers:

  • Extensive capabilities for conducting simulated hacker attacks by cybersecurity specialists.
  • Safe practice of the most common threats from criminals, allowing systems to be adapted to respond appropriately to attacks.
  • Access to comprehensive knowledge about cyber threats in a convenient e-learning format and at any time.
  • A flexible tool allowing the customization of simulations, training, and security policy to the individual needs of the enterprise. We pinpoint weaknesses to emphasize protection in those areas.

APT Defend is a product based on the knowledge and experience of Polish security specialists. Each country has its specific threats to which criminals adapt. Our platform is tailored to the threats present in the Polish market, continuously monitoring the network situation and adjusting its capabilities to changing trends.


Simulated Hacker Attack

People learn fastest through experience, so simulating a hacker attack is one of the most effective methods of protection against cybercriminals. Simulating hacker actions in a safe, training environment, followed by attempts to handle such an attack, sensitizes the organization to potential sources and methods of attacks, draws appropriate conclusions, and adjusts systems and security procedures. Such realistic training has much greater power than another routine e-learning in the employee training system.


How can cybercriminals threaten your company? Learn about their methods:

Phishing – various social engineering methods allowing hackers access to sensitive data, often through deceptive links in email correspondence or fake websites.
Smishing – a sophisticated form of phishing using SMS messages to convince the victim to provide confidential information.
USB dropping – some criminals use electronic devices left in the company’s area. Unaware employees, by opening a file on the device, grant access to valuable information.


Our solution includes:

  • Scenario templates, including scenarios dedicated to customers with the possibility of independent configuration.
  • Campaign support for PCs, laptops, phones, and tablets.
  • E-learning materials with interactive content.
  • Ability to create custom educational materials.
  • Configurable educational tests.
  • Support for multiple languages.
  • Addressing legal requirements such as GDPR, KNF.
  • Dedicated phishing domains.
  • Branding customization of scenarios (e.g., adding the company logo).
  • General summary report of campaign results.
  • Exporting reports to PDF or Excel.
  • “Organizational resilience” – a report on the organization’s resilience to attacks.
  • Threat level metrics.
  • Employee attack reporting feature.
  • Customer support service.