
Range of activities

CyCommSec is created by individuals with extensive experience in the field of cybersecurity, gained through work for leading Polish and international companies. CyCommSec engages people with high-level expertise in ITSec, as well as individuals with competence in compliance, ISO standards, and other international standards, making the services provided multi-layered.

Utilizing the FUSE AI tool, CyCommSec offers PTaaS (Pentest as a Service), in which regular penetration tests are conducted, cybersecurity risks are assessed, and a system for managing identified vulnerabilities is provided, effectively leading to their remediation. Thanks to this proactive approach, our clients are always one step ahead of hackers!

With FUSE AI, CyCommSec:

  • Ensures regular penetration testing, automating a significant portion of pentester’s work.
  • Manages identified vulnerabilities by providing a module that models the process of their remediation.
  • Provides support for mitigation and remediation and retests implemented solutions.
  • Offers a module for estimating cyber risks, including individual assets.